Do you sometimes feel that life isn’t fair and sometimes you have hard feelings towards some people. Sometimes there are dark energies in your energy field. These are energies that even come from yourself and these can be shadow energies. Shadow energies are things that people are often afraid of and so they hide them instead of facing them.
You have to look at the shadow part of yourself. You need to be able to deal with both the light and the dark parts of yourself. The biggest thing to do is to make sure that you are sharing your own light with other people.
All people have light and our being is about love and harmony and even if you have a hard time in life, the universe is there to help you.
Working Towards Change
Change can be scary, but it can also be amazing. When you work towards change, you can see something beautiful. You can see that when you look at your shadow self and you face changes, you can deal with your own emotions and you can deal with things that have held you back.
You don’t have to be alone and you can get the support that you need from your friends and even from your own spirit guides. Allow yourself to be loved while you face change.
Knowing My Shadow Energies
Shadow energies are around you and they can come as jealousy, or they can come as unforgiveness. Anything negative that you have as a response can be part of your shadow self.
You need to make sure that you are looking at yourself and that you are facing negative things. By doing this, you can make things in your life more positive. As you challenge yourself, you will see that you can get rid of your negativity, and you can find love and truth.
Don’t Be Fooled
Life is not better on the other side. The grass isn’t really greener. You have to learn to look deeper and let the universe show you what you need to change and grow.
You need to look past your negative patterns and see what is inside of your life. Don’t let judgement come into your life and take away your peace. No matter what you focus on, you can get it. You have your own free will and you are able to live your own life.
Pay attention to what brings anger and hurt in your life. Accept these feelings and emotions and allow them to move on without getting you stuck. You have to understand that emotions are there to help you and they are important.
Honor your feelings and embrace changes. Don’t let things hold you back and as the universe moves, make sure that you are moving forward as well. Live the best life that you can.